

James graduated from University College London in 2019 and undertook his foundation training in the Severn Deanery. He is currently based in Melbourne, Australia and aims to apply to Core Surgical Training for the 2022 year. He sat MRCS part A in April 2021 and passed with 89% at the first attempt.


Kav is a Clinical Teaching Fellow with the University of Bristol. He spends four days a week teaching medical students, and one day a week in Urology. He is an aspiring surgeon, with an interest in medical education and technology.


Natalie is a University of Bristol graduate and is now an academic foundation doctor in Sheffield with a focus on medical education.


Esther is a Clinical Teaching Fellow from the Southwest of England. She sat the MSRA exam during her F2 year and secured a score within the top 10%, getting her first choice job. Together with MedProjectHub, she shares her top tips for acing the MSRA and securing your top job.


Nick and Kitty are F2 doctors from Severn Deanery. After completing their first F1 QI project, they compiled a list of top tips that they wish they’d known before starting.


Jo is a Gastroenterology Clinical Fellow working in the South West of England. She managed to nail her MRCP Part 1 first time during her F2 year.

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